Let there be love.

blog.| profile| etc.| links.

4.29.2009 @ 10:54 PM

Have you ever felt that your emotions are all convoluted?
Complex, coiled up and yet you don't know how to let them loose?

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

School has been pretty much quite awesome.
I like this semester's modules better!
Much more applicable stuff are taught albeit the fact that the lecturers are a lil awful.
& The homework has been pretty okay. thus far. Nothing much. Nothing too little either.

This week has been no tuition week for me.
I think the thought of not teaching, taking a good hiatus was super enthralling.
I don't miss my kids. Okay hardly.
But it feels super divine to come home, sit in front of the computer, sleep soundly and just rest.
Or let alone read the newspaper. I haven't read them regularly in like 218373824 years!
I even missed 'URBAN' seriously!
I'll be half sad when the week comes to an end.
Seriously, sometimes I half contemplate what is my driving motivation to teach them.
I don't think its the money, then the kids? (probably) or is it just out of routine.
I don't feel as much satisfaction as before maybe because I'm not actually seeing the results,
or the fruits of my labour.

I think I feel like locking up my blog soon.
Or switching to wordpress.
Some thoughts are just too painful and too private for the whole world to see.

Had an awesome week playing for the past few days.
Yet to update. Yet to upload will do so soon.
and i wanna go jerusalem! :DDD december! (: i'll save up for you. HEH.

4.25.2009 @ 9:13 AM

You Are My Waking Dream, You're All Thats Real To Me
You Are The Magic In The World I See
You Are The Prayer Im Saying,
You Are In My Two My Names
You Are The Faith That Make Me Believe
Dreams On Fire, Higher and Higher

Passions Burning Ride On The Path
Once For, Forever Yours In Me, All Your Heart,
Dreams On Fire, Higher and Higher

You Are My Ocean Waves, You Are My Thought Each Day
You Are The Laughter From Childhood Games
You Are Things Further Down, You Are Where I Belong
You Are Making Me Feel In Every Song

Dreams On Fire, Higher and Higher,
Passions Burning
Ride On The Path,
Once For Forever Yours
In Me All Your Heart
Dreams On Fire, Higher and Higher

I really felt thankful yesterday.
As I walked, taking my time to pause and look and ponder.
I wanted to thank God.
For my family,
For my friends,
For my relatives,
For my work,
For my studies,
For the simple things in life that brings so much joy.
For a moment, a long moment, I felt deeply rested.
At peace. To see how far God has brought me.
To know that no matter how long I have to go.
I'll be fine. In God's hands.

4.22.2009 @ 8:28 AM


Today's meeting was damn frustrating.
I could have screamed my eyeballs out.
Seriously, heard a lot of stuff, thought a lot of stuff, yet voiced little,
Or basically my brain overrun till I lost all train of thoughts.

Its seriously aggravating among the many issues.
I think the t-shirt thing is dumb. I mean what is so wrong with the RED T-SHIRT?
What is so bloody wrong that teachers can't wear it?
It handicaps you to wear it?

And I don't like it when the focus shifts like a pendulum bob doing an extremely quick oscillation.
I need something I believe in, and I feel like part of it is losing its essence.

& it feels like being a pawn on the chess board.
When will it be checkmate?

4.13.2009 @ 9:45 PM


"No matter how busy or entwined your lives become, set a routine time for a "date" with each other exclusively. On the date, ask each other, "How are you? How are you really?" This should keep the relationship healthy."

and that didn't happen.

in the end its these small things that you remember,
its the little imperfections that make them perfect for you.
beautifully imperfect.

i think people never do learn.
CSS2009; Jarod winning? his voice hasn't even broken yet!
see shawn, he sounds less appealing than before.
what will happen to jarod eventually?
Jia Min should have won! Rachel too. (haha! im just being bias here)
but seriously! anyway he can sing better than me, so i shall stop here and keep quiet.
& i don't like aijia. pfft.

Ohya. and i feel like im signing my life away.
four days of lessons till mid may. HOW FAB. nevermind.
just count as more money to spend on shopping or saving.
whichever. but i realised i'm gonna miss cell now. urgh


4.12.2009 @ 1:05 PM

Yesterday, on a supposed bright and sunny day, dearest and I headed out to Sentosa.
I was 10 mins late, and our bet, that whoever was late had to wear a bikini failed somewhat.
Hey! BUT. I went to collect the games okay. She's gonna say excuses again ;p
HEH. Had the usual Subway, and I realised I always seem to eat Subway when I'm out with her!
To be very honest, I didn't feel like eating Subway, but since she directed me there, once we stepped into Vivo, I relented!

Headed to Sentosa, after some looking around Vivo. Had a good time catching up, watching Michelle make bimbo comments, and playing games that are lame according to her.
Haha! Say a few hours later, Michelle pointed out the dark storm clouds, I thought it would be approximately half an hour till it rained, what nonsense, 10 minutes start pouring already,
and the beach cleared up in like 5 minutes? Amazing.

We were stuck under a shelter (not much shelter) for 10 minutes, before we decided to run/walk to the beach station. Mich! run halfway and she started walking. ZOMG that lazy fat pig pangseh me halfway while running. Then she fault me okay! Cos she say I picked today to come when its raining! & We stayed under the bigger shelter to play games again. Haha.

Finally after 1i292382738732 hours of queueing we could shower! HURRAH. And I didn't bring comb, so I walked around looking like a mad woman. Heh. And mich is more vainpot then me, complain hair not nice, complain didn't bring wax, complain that her shirt doesn't go with her berms, must wear jacket so can look cool and show off to ahem ahem! Haha.

I was super hopping late to meet qingwei after that okay! He waited like 1 and a half hour, cos he ended work early. OOPS. Birthday party-ed after that. I was quite hungry (correction: very hungry) , haha, but I don't know why I didn't take much food either. The cake was damn cute can. KEY SHAPED! hahahaahah! First time I saw a cake in this shape. And cake was pretty good. HAHA.and birthday guy had to wear a gold key necklace. Funny what 21 entails you. :D

Good Friday was pretty good. I think I could get used to the new cell. It'll take time though.
But there was super a lot of people. Mostly the AJ ones.
Thank God. His love is enough. His grace is enough.
He is enough.

Happy Easter Sunday! Bye bye.

4.08.2009 @ 8:14 PM

It just takes 1 student to kill the mood.
1 student.
but i can't seem to see if he's right or wrong?
It's just like there's no clear distinction or boundary.
All I see is frustration, attempt to learn (not a complete shutdown), yet disobedience.
Its very confusing.
& I shouted bad.
Can probably compete for the loudest sounding voice in the World's Guiness Record.
Maybe I shouldn't shout in future.
Must find a cold cruel way to silence them into obedience.
YEAH! must be effective.


Chalet was helluva time of fun! :D
It was really lovely to meet the secondary school friends ( all together - well almost all)
The last time I saw them was a period of 3729864398273 years!

Day out with Pig was superbly awesome too,
the Bimbotic-ness in both of us really came out.
Not that its something to be proud of. HEHE!

My thoughts are getting disorientated.
Time to work.
Okay bye bye.

OH YA! A very cute dong min is sitting next to me drawing!
Bad guy and main characters. How innocent.

4.03.2009 @ 12:51 AM

Hello world.
I'm here to report one of the most ghastly thing of all.


% improvement

% results



% improvement

% result


so now I'm even performing below FLC' standards!
WHOA! I'm you know, amazed by myself.

All I see is red on my report card.
RED like some bloody massacre.

So I'm officially proven the SUCKIEST teacher in FLC because I'm below FLC's standards.
These is one of the most screwed up thing ever can!

I tried. I really did try my hardest, and try my best.
(okay maybe not 200% but 150.12837128371%!!!)

i really hate being emotional and typing such depressing stuff.