Let there be love.

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2.25.2007 @ 8:38 PM

i'm in <33 with christ tomlin's - how can i keep from singing

omigosh. yups thats the song on my blog!!!
its just so.....* indescribable * i love this song to bits!!!!

oh yes. and i love my grandma's giam cai soup ( did i get the spelling right? ) well whatever the spelling is. the soup is fantabulous. i've had it for lunch and dinner yesterday, and lunch and dinner today. *bloated* =DD

today. something GREAT HAPPENED. something really GREAT!!!
Kaifeng's salvation.
Praise GOD!
When the pastor prayed the prayer for those who wanted to accept Christ.
He asked them to raise their hand, but Kaifeng didn't. Before that, I was crying out to the Lord, that Kaifeng's heart may be touched, that the Lord may speak to him. So I was kinda disappointed.
Then when i saw Kaifeng went up for consolidation. I WAS UBER GLAD!!! how GREAT IS OUR GOD!
praise the lord!!!! <333


@ 3:51 AM

Indescribable- Chris Tomlin
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
You are amazing God

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God

All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God

Inconquerable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God
You are amazing God


2.22.2007 @ 8:00 PM

i'm nuts about the song lord of all by hillsong london.
OMIGOSH. i love the tune and the beat super HYPE!!!



2.21.2007 @ 9:24 PM


elizabeth is blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flying high, gay, glad, gleeful, gratified, hopped up, intoxicated, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, looking good, merry, mirthful, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, satisfied, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat!!!

in other words. I'M HAPPY!!! YES AND I'M VERY HAPPY!!!

((((((: thank YOU for making my day!!!

2.17.2007 @ 12:50 PM

cny reunion dinner was fab.
craziness + good food + basketball + badminton = pure FUN.
had dinner, then michelle and i went down to play badminton and basketball.
i gave up on her on badminton and thus decided to play basketball then.
met some new peeps. hahhas pretty nice (: but all of them are so young. i felt very OLD there.
saw sparklers. uberly nice.
dexter wanted to roller blade but sadly it was too late, so i guess he didn't or did he?
anyway it was just tiring, but its so great to be with them again.
<33 those cousins (:
oh yes and


2.16.2007 @ 9:30 PM


# 1: popcorn has arrived in the sunny island of singapore TODAY!

# 2:CNY concert today. I was pretty surprised the concert was so short. like way short. and the principal did
not give her usual trademarked plus copyrighted long, boring + yawn inducing speeches. The dragon
dance performance was whoa!!! the rest of the items were pretty alright. Being MC was way too cool.
hahhas *super loved the paper bag part *

# 3: HA! i've officially found a JI GO PEK residing in the contacts of my mobile phone. LOLS. yes!!! hahhas.
i had seriously better start thinking of signing up for some protection order. in cas ji go pek does
something morose and wrong XD.

# 4: VAL'S DAY IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!! whoopeee. i'm officially stress-free. although this year's
profit wasn't as huge as last year's. but still we managed to pull it off. =DDD went out after that. for an
apparent purpose *aherms*

# 5: Went J8 with simin.
That dog is uberly cute

See! It loves me (:

saw this effingly ADORABLE pooh!!! :D too cute for words.

but i still love this pooh of mine best. has sentimental value <33
# 6: bio experiment. liver with some solution, can't remember which one. did it abt 3 weeks ago. we added in like 4 pieces of liver, and kept squeezing it. enzymic reaction caused the foam thingy. i think.
anyway thats all. till then (:
-i'll be still and know that you're god-


2.13.2007 @ 10:48 PM

i dun like the new blogger format. *argh* stomps around!!!
val day's tmr.
cny is in 5 days time.
and popcorn is coming back in 3 days time. hahas SUPER YAY-NESS!!!!

i miss her loads. miss her x 1000000000000000000000000000000
and i know she MISSES ME TOO !!! =DDDD

prefects have been crazy. really crazy. whats more with that mad nut of a goh, not giving a damn about how things are turning it out.
thankfully we've got nice mr. goh, who helped us today instead!!! *super huge smile*
[note: do not be confused, one is female and the other is male]
and of cos, tt prawnie...who at least makes tis project tolerable, whom i can complain to never endingly about everything under the moon, sun, earth, sea.
and lastly all the prefects who've contributed so far. ....
oh yes, and cicillia and janet. hahhas. without them we would still be wrapping the flowers now

i'm just hoping that the val day project would turn out well, and we would make some moolahs ($$$)
and with that i shall live happily after.

-the end-

2.02.2007 @ 9:44 PM

.YES! YES! sanctification week !!! .